Our Team

P M McNames, Managing Member

Mr. McNames is an engineer and President of Smith Production Company, an old-line independent exploration and production company headquartered in Jackson, MS. He started as Exploration Manager for Victor P. Smith Drilling Company over 30 years ago and has drilled and operated wells in Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Kansas, West Virginia, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania. His experience extends to all phases of the exploration and production business.

Florencio Mata, Jr., Member

Mr. Mata has over 30 years of experience as a geophysicist, geologist, and reservoir engineer. He has developed and operated large-scale projects throughout North and South America, Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.  Recently he has been focused on projects in south Texas and the Appalachian Basin. Domestically he has developed and operated projects in the Permian and Deleware Basins, the Rocky Mountains, east Texas, along the Gulf Coast, the Austin Chalk, the deep Michigan Basin, northern and southern Michigan Reef Trend, the Barnett, Marcellus, and Utica shale plays and various oil plays in Kentucky, Tennessee, Kansas, and Pennsylvania.